Students Meals

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Students Meals

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Students Meals

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Welcome to our website

Students Meals is a whole foods recipe blog celebrating the fresh vibrant produce that surrounds us! My hope is that this website will be a useful resource to inspire you to create your own simple healthy feasts at home and with others. Hi! Students Meals, professional chef, former restaurant owner, and caterer, recently turned full-time blogger, based in the Pacific Northwest, and here is where you’ll find hundreds of seasonal, veggie-driven, globally-inspired, whole-food recipes. Whether you are vegan, vegetarian, pescatarian, paleo, keto, flexitarian or omnivore – we can all agree on one thing: cooking meals from scratch, using fresh wholesome ingredients is one of the most nourishing gifts we can give ourselves and our families. And you’ve been telling me how challenging this can be! Many of you lack the time, energy or inspiration. Some of you are bored and stuck in a rut, or perhaps somewhere along the way, lost your love of cooking. Believe me, I’ve been there and I totally get it.